Laminating flexible materials such as foam substrates, textile labels, felt and fabrics (gasketing applications). Affixing nameplates, trophy, emblems, labels, decorative trims, wood veneer and plastics. Attachment of overlay materials and membrane switches (transportation and electronic markets).
Bonding and Mounting - Appliance Bonding and Mounting - General Manufacturing Unterrichtsmaterial / Basteln EV Battery Herstellung flexibler Schaumstoffmaterialien Allgemeine Baustellenlösungen
Luft- und Raumfahrt Gerät Auto-Ersatzteilmarkt Verbraucher Elektrik / Elektronik Allgemeine Fertigung Heizungs-, Lüftungs- und Klimatechnik Transport
Verwandte Produkte
4 Mil Acrylic Transfer Adhesive Tape
4,0 mil glasfaserverstärkter, druckempfindlicher Acrylklebstoff, aufgetragen auf einen leicht ablösbaren, behandelten Träger aus verdichtetem Kraftpapier. Bietet gute Scherfestigkeit mit hervorragenden Hafteigenschaften über einen weiten Temperaturbereich und UV-Beständigkeit. Haftet gut auf vielen Oberflächen. Das Produkt ist nicht wiederaufbereitbar.
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Medium Grade Double-Coated Tissue Tape
Tissue paper, coated both sides with an aggressive pressure sensitive acrylic adhesive that is engineered to bond to almost any surface. Features a 53# glassine kraft paper liner (white).
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Premium Grade Double-Coated Tissue Tape
Tissue paper coated both sides with an aggressive pressure-sensitive acrylic adhesive that is engineered to bond to almost any surface. Features a 60# poly-coated kraft paper liner (white).
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Reverse Wound Acrylic Transfer Tape
A 4.8mil (0.122mm) glass stabilized acrylic adhesive transfer tape with brown kraft paper liner reverse wound on a 1” plastic core. This product is specifically designed to be used in ATG dispensers. The ATG system automatically rewinds the tape’s liner inside of the dispenser as the tape is applied (tape...
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